Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Running Journal, 020410

Today I came in about 500 feet short of a mile and a half today - the IMapMyRun app tells me that the route that I jogged was 1.42 miles, and that I finished in 13m59s. Which equates to about a 10 minute mile. Slow, but hey, I'm starting up.

I need to map out my runs a little better - 500 feet is probably about two blocks. Missing the mark by 500 feet isn't terrible, but as I get up in the miles, I need to make sure that I am actually running at least the mileage planned. Right now, I can fudge it a little bit, since I am getting everything dialed in.

I've started using the Imapmyrun app on my Iphone, as well as the website, to track my course, run time, pace, and mileage on the shoes. I've also started using the Daily Plate app from Livestrong to track my diet. I'm not concerned with calorie counting right now, but I need to keep a food log so that I can really focus in on what my eating habits are like.

I have to balance the disappointment that I feel in going slow and not quite reaching the distance with understanding that I need to limit myself.

I have trained with people who insist that you finish faster than you started. This applies to races as well as training.

Right now, I am aiming for a 10 minute mile. It is a pace that I can run at right now without feeling like my lungs are going to burst or that I am going to pass out - and that is important. I'll reference earlier posts - when I start to fast, I wear myself out at the beginning, and end up calling it quits before reaching the goal.

Getting up and running wasn't such a chore this morning, and besides so lingering soreness in one of my hips, the run itself wasn't difficult. What I do need to do is maintain a good pre and post run stretching routine that involves heat. Since I don't have a hot tub, a nice hot bath with epsom salts is going to have to become part of my regular morning routine. Which means that my runs are going to have to be pushed even earlier. Today I was out the door and running by 0630 - the next early morning run, which isn't scheduled until next Tuesday, is going to have to start at 6am for me to fit in a soak. I'll probably end up starting and finishing my days with a soak, since I am going to be running early in the morning, and I start Crossfit next Tuesday. And I need to figure out what is causing the soreness in my hip - I doubt that it is bursitis, more likely a muscle - but which one? So many muscles involved with the movement of your leg, and I can't find my copy of Clemente's atlas.

Tomorrow is a rest day from running, but since the weather looks like it is going to clear up a little bit, I believe that it is time for me to start meeting another small goal, which will be cycling into work. And then I have a mid-morning, 3 mile trail run on Sunday planned, with a group of people.

Right now, I am sore and tired.

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