Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Running Journal 020110

So no running for me this weekend, or today. Saturday morning I headed up to Seattle for a Qi Gong training seminar, and so all of my energy this weekend was focused on learning a new form.

Today is the start of my pre-training training. I have a good long time before the Marathon, and since I am profoundly out of shape as a runner, I need a nice, slow build up. I need to get in shape to get in shape.

If anyone is curious, I am using the "Spring Training" schedule put together by Hal Higdon. The goal is to build up over a three month period, to get to the point where the final week you are running as much as you will on the opening week of the 18 week schedule. This week I am scheduled to run a total of 9 miles, and Mondays are one of the two rest days (the other being Friday).

So I am luxuriating in this last day before I start. Latte with a bagel and peanut butter. Tomorrow, breakfast will be different - I will start making moves towards a combined Paleo/Mediterranean diet - Protein and leafy greens, with as few carbs as is possible, other than nutritionally dense fruit (blueberries, bananas, pineapple) - So I will probably end up cooking a steak this evening and some greens, and have those for breakfast along with a fruit smoothie of some sort.

I also need to start hydrating myself - one of the things that I do out of habit and inattention is allowing myself to become dehydrated. This really hammers me when I try and train in hot weather - and the 20 milers on the training schedule will be happening during some of the potentially hottest weather in the Portland area. SO habituating myself back to regular hydration is a must.

Which means coffee before running is out - in addition to the coffee itself, I normally have a latte with sugar - which is one of the first things that I am going to have to modify. I hate caffeine withdrawal headaches, but I just need to make it past the first week, and then everything will be a bit easier.

Back to work.

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