Today was an easy 5k on the reliable Leif Ericsson trail. I didn’t time it, just wanted to get the distance in and shake off some lingering soreness from a particularly interesting workout last week. I met up with one of the members of the running team that I have put together for the Shamrock run, and one of my friends who has been talking the talk about working out showed up as well. All in all it was a nice run, and a surprise waited for me at the end. More on that shortly.
I’m trying to get back in the blogging habit. Really, I am. I originally started this blog as a way to keep myself motivated to “get back in shape,” and I think the blog took a back seat once I actually started feeling healthy and self motivated again. I know that this blog is almost all words – I don’t think that I have linked too much outside of it, and I’m not one for pictures of myself doing stuff. Being a text based blog may make it hard to really explain things at times, but I’m happy to rattle off a page of text where a single picture might suffice. Because I hate taking pictures.
When I started, I was just trying to get my butt out of bed early in the morning so that I could get myself together for a run before going to the office. Now I’m back to sleeping in till 7am (or later, sometimes). But whereas last year at this time I was staying in bed because I was unmotivated, now I actually am sleeping because I am working out. Sleep is good in this case.
At the end of today’s run I was showing a drill to one of my running partners (Hi Tami!), and while we were discussing it, one of the other random strangers at the trailhead asked if I was a running coach, and if could show her (and possibly some people in her regular running group) the proper techniques for Pose/BoF style running. Luckily, I had my trusty electronic brain with me, and shot off an email to her with my contact info. Sure, I’ve spent a bunch of time, sweat and money on learning how to train people in movement, but I wasn’t expecting for a potential client to come up to me at the end of a run. That made today pretty great. We’ll see if she actually contacts me and arranges a session or two, but the very fact that I was approached because of what I was saying and doing is cool.
So now I actually have to think about rates, curriculum, and where in my schedule I am going to fit this. This is not a bad thing.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dry Fasting | THRR205
23 hours ago
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