Rest days are nice days, when you actually get to rest. Yesterday I slept in until 7am, and today as well. Of course, both Thursday and Friday evenings I was out and about until a wee hour of the morning, so technically, according to the passage of time, I actually slept less on the days where I have “slept in.” Oh well, the price you pay for having fun.
Speaking of, my calves have calmed down a bit. I’m sure tomorrow’s run will bring the pain, but ideally it remains just sore muscles that are adapting to new and increased demands. Luckily, fingers crossed, my feet don’t hurt. Tomorrow is a trail run, over gravel, stones and mud, which means my little tootsies are going to have a bit of a challenge. Expect to read a whiny report in the near future about how bruises on your feet hurt.
Today is a really beautiful day in Portland – early spring, with the sun out, a light breeze, cool temps, and everything is starting to bloom. Which of course means that I have a sinus headache due to all of the pollen floating around.
Monday I am slated to really start dialing in my diet – As much grief as I gave to the people who simplify the philosophy behind the Paleolithic style diet, I am going to start down that road. Not the “I’m a modern caveman and hunt with a sharpened stick,” but “I’m trying to keep my insulin levels stable and lower my cardiovascular risks.” Monday I’m going to start getting strict with my diet. I’ve already started thinking about how to prepare foods and tried out a couple of things. I’m going to aim for a diet that is 40/40/20 – 40% proteins, 40% complex carbohydrates, and 20% fats. We’ll see how that goes.
Time to go enjoy the sun.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dry Fasting | THRR205
11 hours ago
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